1 Introduction
In this introduction, we quickly give an overview of how the PDMPFlux.jl package works, through a standard example.
Take the Sticky Zig-Zag Sampler (Bierkens et al., 2023) as an example.
sampler = StickyZigZag(dim, ∇U)
This instantiates the sampler, an object of an
subtype.output = sample_skeleton(sampler, N_sk, xinit, vinit)
This takes a sampler object, and returns a
object, by transforming thePDMPState
object while pushing its snapshots into thePDMPHistory
2 Directory Structure of PDMPFlux.jl/src
2.1 Composites.jl
2.2 sample.jl
contains functions, called by users, to start MCMC sampling. The ProgressBar
package is used to be friendly to users.
2.3 SamplingLoop.jl
This module contains 10 functions. Some of them are summarized in the following figure:
2.4 UpperBound.jl
This module contains next_event()
function and 3 constructors for BoundBox
object, with the name of upper_bound_**()
2.5 diagnostic.jl
function anim_traj(
plot_start::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing,
dynamic_range )
2.6 plot.jl
3 Implementation of the Samplers
3.1 Introduction
All samplers are defined as subtypes of AbstractPDMP
in Samplers/AbstractPDMP.jl
Section 3.2.
Different samplers have four different fields in PDMPState
object, which are upper_bound_func
, rate
, rate_vect
, and velocity_jump
, as we learned in Section 2.1.
The four special fields are initialized in the constructor defined in the respective Samplers/<Name>.jl
3.2 Samplers/AbstractPDMP.jl
This module contains one line
abstract type AbstractPDMP end
and one function, whose signature is
init_state(pdmp::AbstractPDMP, xinit::Array{Float64}, vinit::Array{Float64}, seed::Int) -> PDMPState
This init_state()
is basically a constructor for PDMPState
, called in sample_skeleton()
Section 2.2.
It is defined in AbstractPDMP.jl
because the composite PDMPState
must have different field values depending on the type of the argument pdmp
The remaining special fields, velocity_jump
and flow
are defined, together with initialization of rate
and rate_vect
, in the sampler specific modules, to which we will turnin the following sections.
3.3 Samplers/ZigZagSamplers.jl
In this module, the declaration
mutable struct ZigZag <: AbstractPDMP
is followed by the 2 constructors, ZigZag()
and ZigZagAD()
, whose signatures are
function ZigZag(dim::Int, ∇U::Function; refresh_rate::Float64=0.0, grid_size::Int=10, tmax::Union{Float64, Int}=2.0,
::Bool=true, signed_bound::Bool=true, adaptive::Bool=true)
vectorized_boundfunction ZigZagAD(dim::Int, U::Function; refresh_rate::Float64=0.0, grid_size::Int=10, tmax::Union{Float64, Int}=2.0,
::Bool=true, signed_bound::Bool=true, adaptive::Bool=true, AD_backend::String="Zygote") vectorized_bound
Notice the difference in ∇U
and U
in the arguments.
Two flags signed_bound
and vectorized_bound
are true
in default, in which case signed_rate_vect
is used.
This is called the signed strategy, detailed in (Section 4.4.2 Andral and Kamatani, 2024).
The vectorized_bound
is also special to the Zig-Zag samplers.
3.4 Samplers/BouncyParticleSamplers.jl
Similar to the Zig-Zag samplers, mutable struct BPS
and 2 constructors BPS()
and BPSAD()
are defined.
Difference is that, in BPS
, vectorization is not used, therefore vectorized_bound=false
no matter what the user specifies.
Note that typically Bouncy Particle Samplers need nonzero refresh rate, therefore refresh_rate=0.0
would result in erronous samples.
3.5 Samplers/ForwardEventChainMonteCarlo.jl
Forward ECMC (Event Chain Monte Carlo) is a generalizatione of the Bouncy Particle Sampler, being free from the need of refreshing, substituting it with a ‘informed’ velocity jump.
Regarding the implementation, however, note there is an error in the pseudo-code of (Michel et al., 2020)’s paper, and in the implementation of the pdmp_jax
To sum it up, the velocity jump is implemented separately on \(\mathbb{R}\nabla U\) and \((\mathbb{R}\nabla U)^\perp\). To the former, the velocity is newly sampled from the invariant distribution directly, while to the latter, occasionally (tuned by mix_p
) only two dimensions of them are changed. (If ran_p=false
, they are swaped.)
As a result, the sampler loses ergodicity and confined to a certain subspace when, for example, \(U\) is completely isotropic and the initial velocity is proportional to its contours.
3.6 Samplers/StickyZigZagSamplers.jl
This module implements the Sticky Zig-Zag sampler, for variable selection with the spike-and-slab prior.
The sampler takes additional argument κ
, which has to be positive Float64
or Inf
, determining the ‘stickyness’ of the sampler.
3.7 StickySamplingLoops.jl
samplers have their own sampling loop, implemented in StickySamplingLoops.jl
using multiple dispatch.