Julia による MCMC サンプリング
Julia と Turing エコシステムを用いて
司馬 博文
A Blog Entry on Bayesian Computation by an Applied Mathematician
Julia による MCMC パッケージの概観は次の稿も参照:
Cauchy 分布に HMC を適用するとぶっ壊れる!?
using AdvancedHMC, ForwardDiff
using LogDensityProblems
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
struct LogTargetDensityCauchy
# Define the target distribution (1D Cauchy) using the `LogDensityProblem` interface
LogDensityProblems.logdensity(p::LogTargetDensityCauchy, θ) = -log(π) - log(p.scale) - log(1 + ((θ[1] - p.loc)/p.scale)^2)
LogDensityProblems.dimension(p::LogTargetDensityCauchy) = 1
LogDensityProblems.capabilities(::Type{LogTargetDensityCauchy}) = LogDensityProblems.LogDensityOrder{0}()
function HMC_sample(initial_θ)
# Choose initial parameter value for 1D
initial_θ = [initial_θ]
# Define the Cauchy distribution with location and scale
loc, scale = 0.0, 1.0
ℓπ = LogTargetDensityCauchy(loc, scale)
# Set the number of samples to draw and warmup iterations
n_samples, n_adapts = 2_000, 1
# Define a Hamiltonian system
metric = DiagEuclideanMetric(1)
hamiltonian = Hamiltonian(metric, ℓπ, ForwardDiff)
# Define a leapfrog solver, with the initial step size chosen heuristically
initial_ϵ = find_good_stepsize(hamiltonian, initial_θ)
integrator = Leapfrog(initial_ϵ)
# Define an HMC sampler with the following components
# - multinomial sampling scheme,
# - generalised No-U-Turn criteria, and
# - windowed adaption for step-size and diagonal mass matrix
kernel = HMCKernel(Trajectory{MultinomialTS}(integrator, GeneralisedNoUTurn()))
adaptor = StanHMCAdaptor(MassMatrixAdaptor(metric), StepSizeAdaptor(0.8, integrator))
# Run the sampler to draw samples from the specified Cauchy distribution, where
# - `samples` will store the samples
# - `stats` will store diagnostic statistics for each sample
samples, stats = sample(hamiltonian, kernel, initial_θ, n_samples, adaptor, n_adapts; progress=true)
# Print the results
sample_values = [s[1] for s in samples]
p = plot(1:length(samples), sample_values,
label="HMC trajectory",
title="1D HMC Sampler (Cauchy distribution)",
┌ Warning: ProgressMeter by default refresh meters with additional information in IJulia via `IJulia.clear_output`, which clears all outputs in the cell.
│ - To prevent this behaviour, do `ProgressMeter.ijulia_behavior(:append)`.
│ - To disable this warning message, do `ProgressMeter.ijulia_behavior(:clear)`.
└ @ ProgressMeter ~/.julia/packages/ProgressMeter/gA66f/src/ProgressMeter.jl:590
Sampling 100%|███████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
iterations: 2000
ratio_divergent_transitions: 0.02
ratio_divergent_transitions_during_adaption: 0.0
n_steps: 3
is_accept: true
acceptance_rate: 4.073791219423035e-7
log_density: -10.758856435114664
hamiltonian_energy: 13.458401323991495
hamiltonian_energy_error: 0.0
max_hamiltonian_energy_error: 811.5344241268535
tree_depth: 2
numerical_error: false
step_size: 324.39138009045865
nom_step_size: 324.39138009045865
is_adapt: false
mass_matrix: DiagEuclideanMetric([1.0])
┌ Info: Finished 2000 sampling steps for 1 chains in 1.282884958 (s)
│ h = Hamiltonian(metric=DiagEuclideanMetric([1.0]), kinetic=GaussianKinetic())
│ κ = HMCKernel{AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment, Trajectory{MultinomialTS, Leapfrog{Float64}, GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}}}(AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment(), Trajectory{MultinomialTS}(integrator=Leapfrog(ϵ=324.0), tc=GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}(10, 1000.0)))
│ EBFMI_est = 0.30445073109268245
└ average_acceptance_rate = 0.22613549485908152
スタート地点を 50 にした場合
┌ Info: Finished 2000 sampling steps for 1 chains in 0.044786417 (s)
│ h = Hamiltonian(metric=DiagEuclideanMetric([1.0]), kinetic=GaussianKinetic())
│ κ = HMCKernel{AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment, Trajectory{MultinomialTS, Leapfrog{Float64}, GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}}}(AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment(), Trajectory{MultinomialTS}(integrator=Leapfrog(ϵ=14.7), tc=GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}(10, 1000.0)))
│ EBFMI_est = 2.018632634147994
└ average_acceptance_rate = 0.00031706816850295914
スタート地点を 0 にした場合
┌ Info: Finished 2000 sampling steps for 1 chains in 0.056288833 (s)
│ h = Hamiltonian(metric=DiagEuclideanMetric([1.0]), kinetic=GaussianKinetic())
│ κ = HMCKernel{AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment, Trajectory{MultinomialTS, Leapfrog{Float64}, GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}}}(AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment(), Trajectory{MultinomialTS}(integrator=Leapfrog(ϵ=1670.0), tc=GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}(10, 1000.0)))
│ EBFMI_est = 0.2517834551566722
└ average_acceptance_rate = 0.20632568153387063
スタート地点を 500 にした場合
┌ Info: Finished 2000 sampling steps for 1 chains in 0.043402167 (s)
│ h = Hamiltonian(metric=DiagEuclideanMetric([1.0]), kinetic=GaussianKinetic())
│ κ = HMCKernel{AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment, Trajectory{MultinomialTS, Leapfrog{Float64}, GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}}}(AdvancedHMC.FullMomentumRefreshment(), Trajectory{MultinomialTS}(integrator=Leapfrog(ϵ=956.0), tc=GeneralisedNoUTurn{Float64}(10, 1000.0)))
│ EBFMI_est = 1.998017004885298
└ average_acceptance_rate = 6.0828891145860786e-9
スタート地点を 100 にした場合