Hirofumi Shiba
Profile and Skills
Hirofumi is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, working under the supervision of Prof. Kengo Kamatani and Keisuke Yano.
He holds Japanese citizenship and is a native speaker of Japanese and Chinese. Additionally, He is fluent in English.
Hirofumi codes in Julia, Python, and R.
Research Interests
Monte Carlo methods, including Sequential Monte Carlo and Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
Transport methods, including Schrödinger Bridges and Normalizing Flows.
Bayesian modeling, including Political Science and Bioinformatics.
Bayesian machine learning, including Gaussian processes and hierarchical modeling.
Work Experience
Consultant. PreMedica, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. 2024.9 – today
Provided Bayesian data analysis solutions for clients in the healthcare industry.
Research Assistant. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan. 2023.7 – today
Contributed to the R package
, an open-source project aiming to simulate and infer multidimensional stochastic differential equations, with an emphasis on Bayesian inference.Cooperative Researcher. RCAST, the University of Tokyo, Japan. 2023.4 – today
Research on trustworthy AI and machine learning from the viewpoint of economic security.
Data Scientist. IMIS Co., Ltd. 2022.8 – 2024.1
Provided statistical analysis and machine learning solutions for clients in the manufacturing industry.
Ph.D. in Statistical Science. Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, Tokyo, Japan. 2023.4 – 2028.3
Superivsor: Kengo Kamatani and Keisuke Yano
B.A. in Mathematics. The University of Tokyo, Japan. 2019.4 – 2023.3
Supervisor: Nakahiro Yoshida
Research Stay
University College London,United Kingdom.2024.11.4 – 2024.12.2
Supervisor: Alexandros Beskos