Hirofumi Shiba

Profile and Skills

Hirofumi is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, working under the supervision of Prof. Kengo Kamatani and Keisuke Yano.

He holds Japanese citizenship and is a native speaker of Japanese and Chinese. Additionally, He is fluent in English.

Hirofumi codes in Julia, Python, and R.

Research Interests

  • Monte Carlo methods, including Sequential Monte Carlo and Markov Chain Monte Carlo.

  • Transport methods, including Schrödinger Bridges and Normalizing Flows.

  • Bayesian modeling, including Political Science and Bioinformatics.

  • Bayesian machine learning, including Gaussian processes and hierarchical modeling.

Work Experience

  • Consultant. PreMedica, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. 2024.9 – today

    Provided Bayesian data analysis solutions for clients in the healthcare industry.

  • Research Assistant. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan. 2023.7 – today

    Contributed to the R package YUIMA, an open-source project aiming to simulate and infer multidimensional stochastic differential equations, with an emphasis on Bayesian inference.

  • Cooperative Researcher. RCAST, the University of Tokyo, Japan. 2023.4 – today

    Research on trustworthy AI and machine learning from the viewpoint of economic security.

  • Data Scientist. IMIS Co., Ltd. 2022.8 – 2024.1

    Provided statistical analysis and machine learning solutions for clients in the manufacturing industry.


  • Ph.D. in Statistical Science. Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, Tokyo, Japan. 2023.4 – 2028.3

    Superivsor: Kengo Kamatani and Keisuke Yano

  • B.A. in Mathematics. The University of Tokyo, Japan. 2019.4 – 2023.3

    Supervisor: Nakahiro Yoshida

Research Stay

  • University College London,United Kingdom.2024.11.4 – 2024.12.2

    Supervisor: Alexandros Beskos