Zig-Zag Sampler

A MCMC Game-Changer

Slides are available here.


Hirofumi Shiba | 司馬博文

Institute of Statistical Mathematics

the University of Tokyo




Zig-Zag sampler, known as an instance of ‘Continuous-time MCMC’, is a cutting-edge sampling method that exhibits scalability and state-of-the-art performance on high-dimensional models including logistic models etc. This talk includes a brief introduction to the Zig-Zag sampler and the two important properties, irreversibility of its dynamics and thinning of Poisson point processes, followed by a few numerical experiments on logistic models with large and unbalanced data.

1 The Zig-Zag Sampler: What Is It?

A continuous-time variant of MCMC algorithms

Trajectory for Zig-Zag Sampler. Please attribute Hirofumi Shiba.

1.1 Keywords: PDMP (1/2)

PDMP (Piecewise Deterministic1 Markov Process2) (Davis, 1984)

  1. Mostly deterministic with the exception of random jumps happens at random times
  2. Continuous-time, instead of discrete-time processes

Plays a complementary role to SDEs / Diffusions

Property PDMP SDE
Exactly simulatable?
Subject to discretization errors?
Driving noise Poisson Gauss
History of PDMP Applications
  1. First applications: control theory, operations research, etc. (Davis, 1993)
  2. Second applications: Monte Carlo simulation in material sciences (Peters and de With, 2012)
  3. Third applications: Bayesian statistics (Bouchard-Côté et al., 2018)

1.2 Keywords: PDMP (2/2)

The most famous three PDMPs. Animated by (Grazzi, 2020)

1.4 Review: Metropolis-Hastings (1/2)

Input: Target distribution p, (symmetric) proposal distribution q

  1. Draw a X_t\sim q(-|X_{t-1})
  2. Compute \alpha(X_{t-1}, X_t) = \frac{p(X_t)}{p(X_{t-1})}
  3. Draw a uniform random number U\sim\mathrm{U}([0,1]).
  4. If \alpha(X_{t-1},X_t)\le U, then X_t\gets X_{t-1}. Do nothing otherwise.
  5. Return to Step 1.

MH algorithm works even without p’s normalizing constant. Hence, its ubiquity.

1.5 Review: Metropolis-Hastings (2/2)

Alternative View: MH is a generic procedure to turn a simple q-Markov chain into a Markov chain converging to p.

The Choise of Proposal q
  • Random Walk Metropolis (Metropolis et al., 1953): Uniform / Gaussian q(y|x) = q(y-x) \in\left\{ \frac{d \mathrm{U}([0,1])}{d \lambda}(y-x),\frac{d \mathrm{N}(0,\Sigma)}{d \lambda}(y-x)\right\}
  • Hybrid / Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (Duane et al., 1987): Hamiltonian dynamics q(y|x) = \delta_{x + \epsilon\rho},\qquad\epsilon>0,\;\rho\;\text{: momentum defined via Hamiltonian}
  • Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA) (Besag, 1994): Langevin diffusion q(-|X_t):=\text{ the transition probability of } X_t \text{ where } dX_t=\nabla\log p(X_t)\,dt+\sqrt{2\beta^{-1}}dB_t.

1.6 Problem: Reversibility

Reversibility (a.k.a detailed balance): p(x)q(x|y)=p(y)q(y|x). In words: \text{Probability}[\text{Going}\;x\to y]=\text{Probability}[\text{Going}\;y\to x]. Harder to explore the entire space

Slow mixing of MH

From the beginning of 21th century, many efforts have been made to make MH irreversible.

1.7 Lifting (1/3)

Lifting: A method to make MH’s dynamics irreversible

How?: By adding an auxiliary variable \sigma\in\{\pm1\}, called momentum

Lifted MH (Turitsyn et al., 2011)

Input: Target p, two proposals q^{(+1)},q^{(-1)}, and momentum \sigma\in\{\pm1\}

  1. Draw X_t from q^{(\sigma)}
  2. Do a MH step
  3. If accepted, go back to Step 1.
  4. If rejected, flip the momentum and go back to Step 1.

1.8 Lifting (2/3)

q^{(+1)}: Only propose \rightarrow moves

q^{(-1)}: Only propose \leftarrow moves

Once going uphill, it continues to go uphill.

This is irreversible, since

\begin{align*} &\text{Probability}[x\to y]\\ &\qquad\ne\text{Probability}[y\to x]. \end{align*}

1.9 Lifting (3/3)

Reversible dynamic of MH has ‘irreversified


Lifted MH

Scale is different in the vertical axis!

Lifted MH successfully explores the edges of the target distribution.

*Irreversibility actually improves the efficiency of MCMC, as we observe in two slides later.

1.10 Comparison: MH vs. LMH vs. Zig-Zag (1/2)


Lifted MH


Zig-Zag corresponds to the limiting case of lifted MH as the step size of proposal q goes to zero, as we’ll learn later.

Zig-Zag has a maximum irreversibility.

1.11 Comparison: MH vs. LMH vs. Zig-Zag (2/2)

Irreversibility actually improves the efficiency of MCMC.

Faster decay of autocorrelation \rho_t\approx\mathrm{Corr}[X_0,X_t] implies

  1. faster mixing of MCMC
  2. lower variance of Monte Carlo estimates


Lifted MH


1.12 Review: MALA

Langevin diffusion: A diffusion process defined by the following SDE:

dX_t=\nabla\log p(X_t)\,dt+\sqrt{2\beta^{-1}}dB_t.

Langevin diffusion itself converges to the target distribution p in the sense that 3 \|p_t-p\|_{L^1}\to0,\qquad t\to\infty.

Two MCMC algorithms derived from Langevin diffusion:

ULA (Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm)
\quad Use the discretization of (X_t). Discretization errors accumulate.

MALA (Metropolis Adjusted Langevin Algorithm)
\quad Use ULA as a proposal in MH, erasing the errors by MH steps.

1.13 Comparison: Zig-Zag vs. MALA (1/3)

How fast do they go back to high-probability regions? 4



Irreversibility of Zig-Zag accelerates its convergence.

1.14 Comparison: Zig-Zag vs. MALA (2/3)

MALA trajectory
Caution: Fake Continuity

The left plot looks continuous, but it actually is not.

MH, including MALA, is actually a discrete-time process.

The plot is obtained by connecting the points by line segments.

1.15 Comparison: Zig-Zag vs. MALA (3/3)

Monte Carlo estimation is also done differently:

MALA outputs (X_n)_{n\in[N]} defines

\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^Nf(X_n)\xrightarrow{N\to\infty}\int_{\mathbb{R}^d} f(x)p(x)\,dx.

Zig-Zag outputs (X_t)_{t\in[0,T]} defines

\int^T_0f(X_t)\,dt\xrightarrow{T\to\infty}\int_{\mathbb{R}^d} f(x)p(x)\,dx.

1.16 Recap of Section 1

  • Zig-Zag Sampler’s trajectory is a PDMP.
  • PDMP, by design, has maximum irreversibility.
  • Irreversibility leads to faster convergence of Zig-Zag in comparisons against MH, Lifted MH, and especially MALA.


Lifted MH


2 The Algorithm: How to Use It?

Fast and exact simulation of continuous trajectory.

2.1 Review: MH vs. LMH vs. Zig-Zag (1/2)

As we’ve learned before, Zig-Zag corresponds to the limiting case of lifted MH as the step size of proposal q goes to zero.


Lifted MH


2.2 Review: MH vs. LMH vs. Zig-Zag (2/2)

Limiting case of lifted MH’ means that we only simulate where we should flip the momentum \sigma\in\{\pm1\} in Lifted MH.


Lifted MH


2.3 Algorithm (1/2)

Limiting case of lifted MH’ means that we only simulate where we should flip the momentum \sigma\in\{\pm1\} in Lifted MH.

(1d 5 Zig Zag sampler Bierkens, Fearnhead, et al., 2019)

Input: Gradient \nabla\log p of log target density p

For n\in\{1,2,\cdots,N\}:

  1. Simulate an first arrival time T_n of a Poisson point process (described in the next slide)
  2. Linearly interpolate until time T_n: X_t = X_{T_{n-1}} + \sigma(t-T_{n-1}),\qquad t\in[T_{n-1},T_n].
  3. Go back to Step 1 with the momentum \sigma\in\{\pm1\} flipped

2.4 Algorithm (2/2)

(Fundamental Property of Zig-Zag Sampler (1d) Bierkens, Fearnhead, et al., 2019)

Let U(x):=-\log p(x). Simluating a Poisson point process with a rate function \lambda(x,\sigma):=\biggr(\sigma U'(x)\biggl)_++\;\gamma(x) ensures the Zig-Zag sampler converges to the target p, where \gamma is an arbitrary non-negative function.

Its ergodicity is ensured as long as there exists c,C>0 such that6 p(x)\le C\lvert x\rvert^{-c}.

2.5 Core of the Algorithm

Given a rate function \lambda(x,\sigma):=\biggr(\sigma U'(x)\biggl)_++\;\gamma(x) how to simulate a corresponding Poisson point process?

What We’ll Learn in the Rest of this Section 2
  1. What is Poisson Point Process?
  2. How to Simulate It?
  3. Core Technique: Poisson Thinning

Take Away: Zig-Zag sampling reduces to Poisson Thinning.

2.6 Simulating Poisson Point Process (1/2)

What is a Poisson Point Process with rate \lambda?

The number of points in [0,t] follows a Poisson distribution with mean \int^t_0\lambda(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds: N([0,t])\sim\mathrm{Pois}\left(M(t)\right),\qquad M(t):=\int^t_0\lambda(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds. We want to know when the first point T_1 falls on [0,\infty).

When \displaystyle\lambda(x,\sigma)\equiv c\;(\text{constant}),

  • blue line: Poisson Process

  • red dots: Poisson Point Process

satisfying \displaystyle\textcolor{#0096FF}{N_t}=\textcolor{#E95420}{N([0,t])}\sim\mathrm{Pois}(ct).

2.7 Simulating Poisson Point Process (2/2)

Proposition (Simulation of Poisson Point Process)

The first arrival time T_1 of a Poisson Point Process with rate \lambda can be simulated by T_1\overset{\text{d}}{=}M^{-1}(E),\qquad E\sim\operatorname{Exp}(1),M(t):=\int^t_0\lambda(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds, where \operatorname{Exp}(1) denotes the exponential distribution with parameter 1.

Since \displaystyle\lambda(x,\sigma):=\biggr(\sigma U'(x)\biggl)_++\;\gamma(x), M can be quite complicated.

Inverting M can be impossible.

We need more general techniques: Poisson Thinning.

2.8 Poisson Thinning (1/2)

To obtain the first arrival time T_1 of a Poisson Point Process with rate \lambda,

  1. Find a bound M that satisfies m(t):=\int^t_0\lambda(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds\le M(t).
  2. Simulate a point T from the Poisson Point Process with intensity M.
  3. Accept T with probability \frac{m(T)}{M(T)}.
  • m(t): Defined via \displaystyle\lambda(x,\sigma):=\biggr(\sigma U'(x)\biggl)_++\;\gamma(x).

  • M(t): Simple upper bound m\le M, such that M^{-1} is analytically tractable.

2.9 Poisson Thinning (2/2)

In order to simulate a Poisson Point Process with rate \lambda(x,\sigma):=\biggr(\sigma U'(x)\biggl)_++\;\gamma(x), we find a invertible upper bound M that satisfies \int^t_0\lambda(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds=m(t)\le\textcolor{#0096FF}{M}(t). for all possible Zig-Zag trajectories \{(x_s,\sigma_s)\}_{s\in[0,T]}.

2.10 Recap of Section 2

  1. Continuous-time MCMC, based on PDMP, has an entirely different algorithm and strategy.
  2. To simulate PDMP is to simulate Poisson Point Process.
  3. The core technology to simulate Poisson Point Process is Poisson Thinning.
  4. Poisson Thinning is about finding an upper bound M, with tractable inverse M^{-1}; Typically a polynomial function.
  5. The upper bound M has to be given on a case-by-case basis.

3 Proof of Concept: How Good Is It?

Quick demonstration of the state-of-the-art performance on a toy example.

3.1 Review: The 3 Steps of Zig-Zag Sampling

Given a target p,

  1. Calculate the negative log-likelihood U(x):=-\log p(x)
  2. Fix a refresh rate \gamma(x) and compute the rate function \lambda(x,\sigma):=\biggr(\sigma U'(x)\biggl)_++\;\gamma(x).
  3. Find an invertible upper bound M that satisfies \int^t_0\lambda(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds=:m(t)\le\textcolor{#0096FF}{M}(t).

3.2 Model: 1d Gaussian Mean Reconstruction

  • Data: y_1,\cdots,y_n\in\mathbb{R} aquired by y_i\overset{\text{i.i.d.}}{\sim}\mathrm{N}(x_0,\sigma^2),\qquad i\in[n], with \sigma>0 known, x_0\in\mathbb{R} unknown.

  • Prior: \mathrm{N}(0,\rho^2) with known \rho>0.

  • Goal: Sampling from the posterior p(x)\,\propto\,\left(\prod_{i=1}^n\phi(x|y_i,\sigma^2)\right)\phi(x|0,\rho^2), where \phi(x|y,\sigma^2) is the \mathrm{N}(y,\sigma^2) density.

The negative log-likelihood: \begin{align*} U(x)&=-\log p(x)\\ &=\frac{x^2}{2\rho^2}+\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x-y_i)^2+\mathrm{const.},\\ U'(x)&=\frac{x}{\rho^2}+\frac{1}{\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x-y_i),\\ U''(x)&=\frac{1}{\rho^2}+\frac{n}{\sigma^2}. \end{align*}

3.4 Simple Zig-Zag Sampler with \gamma\equiv0 (1/2)

Fixing \gamma\equiv0, we obtain the upper bound M \begin{align*} m(t)&=\int^t_0\lambda(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds=\int^t_0\biggr(\sigma U'(x_s)\biggl)_+\,ds\\ &\le\left(\frac{\sigma x}{\rho^2}+\frac{\sigma}{\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x-y_i)+t\left(\frac{1}{\rho^2}+\frac{n}{\sigma^2}\right)\right)_+\\ &=:(a+bt)_+=\textcolor{#0096FF}{M}(t), \end{align*}

where a=\frac{\sigma x}{\rho^2}+\frac{\sigma}{\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x-y_i),\quad b=\frac{1}{\rho^2}+\frac{n}{\sigma^2}.

3.5 Result: 1d Gaussian Mean Reconstruction

We generated 100 samples from \mathrm{N}(x_0,\sigma^2) with x_0=1.

3.6 MSE per Epoch: The Vertical Axis

MSE (Mean Squared Error) of \{X_i\}_{i=1}^n is defined as \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n(X_i-x_0)^2. Epoch: Unit computational cost.

The following is considered as one epoch:
  • One evaluation of a likelihood ratio \frac{p(X_{n+1})}{p(X_n)}.
  • One evaluation of a Poisson Point Process.

3.7 Good News!

Case-by-case construction of an upper bound M is too complicated / demanding.

Therefore, we are trying to automate the whole procedure.

Automatic Zig-Zag
  1. Automatic Zig-Zag (Corbella et al., 2022)
  2. Concave-Convex PDMP (Sutton and Fearnhead, 2023)
  3. NuZZ (numerical Zig-Zag) (Pagani et al., 2024)


Slides and codes are available here
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Appendix: Scalability by Subsampling

Construction of ZZ-CV (Zig-Zag with Control Variates).

3.8 Review: 1d Gaussian Mean Reconstruction

U' has an alternative form:

\begin{align*} U'(x)&=\frac{x}{\rho^2}+\frac{1}{\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x-y_i)=:\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nU'_i(x), \end{align*} where U'_i(x)=\frac{x}{\rho^2}+\frac{n}{\sigma^2}(x-y_i).

We only need one sample y_i to evaluate U'_i.

3.9 Randomized Rate Function

Instead of \lambda_{\textcolor{#78C2AD}{\text{ZZ}}}(x,\sigma)=\biggr(\sigma U'(x)\biggl)_+ we use \lambda_{\textcolor{#E95420}{\text{ZZ-CV}}}(x,\sigma)=\biggr(\sigma U'_I(x)\biggl)_+,\qquad I\sim\mathrm{U}([n]). Then, the latter is an unbiased estimator of the former: \operatorname{E}_{I\sim\mathrm{U}([n])}\biggl[\lambda_{\textcolor{#E95420}{\text{ZZ-CV}}}(x,\sigma)\biggr]=\lambda_{\textcolor{#78C2AD}{\text{ZZ}}}(x,\sigma).

3.10 Last Step: Poisson Thinning

Find an invertible upper bound M that satisfies \int^t_0\lambda_{\textcolor{#E95420}{\text{ZZ-CV}}}(x_s,\sigma_s)\,ds=:m_I(t)\le\textcolor{#0096FF}{M}(t),\qquad I\sim\mathrm{U}([n]). It is harder to bound \lambda_{\textcolor{#E95420}{\text{ZZ-CV}}}, since it is now an estimator (random function).

3.11 Upper Bound M with Control Variates

Preprocessing (once and for all)
  1. Find x_*:=\operatorname*{argmin}_{x\in\mathbb{R}}U(x)
  2. Compute U'(x_*)=\frac{x_*}{\rho^2}+\frac{1}{\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^n(x_*-y_i).

Then, with a re-parameterization of m_i, m_i(t)\le M(t):=a+bt,

where a=(\sigma U'(x_*))_++\|U'\|_\mathrm{Lip}\|x-x_*\|_p,\qquad b:=\|U'\|_\mathrm{Lip}. And m_i is redefined as m_i(t)=U'(x_*)+U'_i(x)-U'_i(x_*).

3.12 Subsampling with Control Variates

Zig-Zag sampler with the random rate function \lambda_{\textcolor{#E95420}{\text{ZZ-CV}}}(x,\sigma)=\biggr(\sigma U'_I(x)\biggl)_+,\qquad I\sim\mathrm{U}([n]). and the upper bound M(t)=a+bt is called Zig-Zag with Control Variates (Bierkens, Fearnhead, et al., 2019).

3.13 Zig-Zag with Control Variates

  1. has O(1) efficiency as the sample size n grows.7
  2. is exact (no bias).

3.14 Scalability (1/3)

There are currently two main approaches to scaling up MCMC for large data.

  1. Devide-and-conquer

    Devide the data into smaller chunks and run MCMC on each chunk.

  2. Subsampling

    Use a subsampling estimate of the likelihood, which does not require the entire data.

3.15 Scalability (2/3) by Devide-and-conquer

Devide the data into smaller chunks and run MCMC on each chunk.

Unbiased? Method Reference
WASP (Srivastava et al., 2015)
Consensus Monte Carlo (Scott et al., 2016)
Monte Carlo Fusion (Dai et al., 2019)

3.16 Scalability (3/3) by Subsampling

Use a subsampling estimate of the likelihood, which does not require the entire data.

Unbiased? Method Reference
Stochastic Gadient MCMC (Welling and Teh, 2011)
Zig-Zag with Subsampling (Bierkens, Fearnhead, et al., 2019)
Stochastic Gradient PDMP (Fearnhead et al., 2024)


  1. Mostly deterministic with the exception of random jumps happens at random times↩︎

  2. Continuous-time, instead of discrete-time processes↩︎

  3. under fairly general conditions on p.↩︎

  4. The target here is the standard Cauchy distribution \mathrm{C}(0,1), equivalent to \mathrm{t}(1) distribution. Its heavy tails hinder the convergence of MCMC.↩︎

  5. Multidimensional extension is straightforward, but we won’t cover it today.↩︎

  6. With some regularity conditions on U. (See Bierkens, Roberts, et al., 2019).↩︎

  7. As long as the preprocessing step is properly done.↩︎
