Summary of rollcall object s117
Description: 117th U.S. Senate
Number of Legislators: 104
Number of Roll Call Votes: 949
Using the following codes to represent roll call votes:
Yea: 1 2 3
Nay: 4 5 6
Abstentions: 7 8 9
Not In Legislature: 0
Party Composition:
D Indep R
50 2 52
Vote Summary:
Count Percent
0 (notInLegis) 3544 3.6
1 (yea) 55542 56.3
6 (nay) 35995 36.5
7 (missing) 5 0.0
9 (missing) 3610 3.7
Use summary(s117,verbose=TRUE) for more detailed information.
# Democrats (D) と Republicans (R) のデータを同じプロットに追加ggplot() +geom_line(data = party_votes_d[1:15,], aes(x =as.numeric(gsub("Vote ", "", Vote)), y = value, color ="Democrat"), linewidth =0.5) +geom_line(data = party_votes_r[1:15,], aes(x =as.numeric(gsub("Vote ", "", Vote)), y = value, color ="Republican"), linewidth =0.5) +scale_color_manual(values =c("Democrat"="blue", "Republican"="red")) +theme(axis.text.x =element_blank(),axis.ticks.x =element_blank()) +labs(x ="Votes", y ="Proportion of Yea votes", color ="Party",title ="Proportion of Yea votes by Party")
民主党の 0-1 がはっきりした投票行動が見られる.
s109 <-readKH("",desc="109th U.S. Senate")
Attempting to read file in Keith Poole/Howard Rosenthal (KH) format.
Attempting to create roll call object
109th U.S. Senate
102 legislators and 645 roll calls
Frequency counts for vote types:
0 1 6 7 9
645 40207 22650 1 2287
Iterations = 1001:11000
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 10000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
(Intercept) 0.4464 0.07613 0.0007613 0.002471
x1 -0.8935 0.08239 0.0008239 0.002677
x2 0.9617 0.08706 0.0008706 0.002880
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
(Intercept) 0.2962 0.3953 0.4464 0.4972 0.6027
x1 -1.0560 -0.9485 -0.8931 -0.8391 -0.7310
x2 0.7910 0.9017 0.9608 1.0206 1.1369
library(emIRT)data(dwnom)## This takes about 10 minutes to run on 8 threads## You may need to reduce threads depending on what your machine can supportlout <-hierIRT(.data = dwnom$,.starts = dwnom$cur,.priors = dwnom$priors,.control = {list(threads =8,verbose =TRUE,thresh =1e-4,maxit=200,checkfreq=1 )})## Bind ideal point estimates back to legislator datafinal <-cbind(dwnom$legis, idealpt.hier=lout$means$x_implied)## These are estimates from DW-NOMINATE as given on the Voteview example## From file "SL80110C21.DAT"nomres <- dwnom$nomres## Merge the DW-NOMINATE estimates to model results by legislator ID## Check correlation between hierIRT() and DW-NOMINATE scoresres <-merge(final, nomres, by=c("senate","id"),all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE)cor(res$idealpt.hier, res$dwnom1d)
“Souter was nominated to the Supreme Court without a significant”paper trail” but was expected to be a conservative justice. Within a few years of his appointment, Souter moved towards the ideological center. He eventually came to vote reliably with the Court’s liberal wing.” Wikipedia より引用.↩︎